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Warranty Conditions


1) All parts of the product are under the guarantee of our company. In case the product malfunctions due to material and workmanship or assembly errors, it will be repaired without any charge under any other name such as labor cost, replacement part cost or any other name.

2) The warranty period is 2 (two) years from the delivery date of the product. In the event that the product fails within the warranty period, the time spent in repair is added to the warranty period.

3) The repair period of the product is maximum 20 (twenty) working days. This period begins on the date when the consumer notifies the authorized dealer, importer or manufacturer from which he purchased the product.

4) The warranty period of the goods replaced during the warranty application is limited to the warranty period of the purchased goods.

5) Defects arising from the use of the product contrary to the terms in the user manual are not covered by the warranty.

6) The product will be replaced with a double in the following cases.

a) Continuity of not being able to benefit from the product as a result of the repetition of the same fault more than twice or the occurrence of different faults more than four times within 1 year, provided that it remains within the warranty period from the date of delivery.

b) If there is no authorized service, it is determined that the repair is not possible with a report to be issued by the seller, importer or manufacturer, respectively.

7) For problems that may arise regarding the warranty certificate, the Ministry of Customs and Trade, General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance can be applied. All kinds of complaints and appeals can be made to consumer courts and consumer arbitration committees.

8) The warranty terms in the Turkish part of this document are valid within the borders of the Republic of Turkey.

PLEASE NOTE: The following items are out of warranty.

1) Failure due to user error and surface scratches, dents, breakage, tearing, staining, etc., caused by not taking into account the recommendations in the user manual. damages.

2) Installation of the product by non-qualified persons other than authorized service personnel.

3) Cleaning the product with materials and materials that may damage the product.

4) Damages incurred during the Shipping process, which is not the responsibility of the authorized dealer.

5) The fact that any repair work has been done on the product by unauthorized persons.

6) The fact that different non-original parts are mounted on the product by the user.


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